Im really getting sick of seeing all this hate, members of the elected govt spew out Im really thinking about this

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I wrote this from the heart James P Woomer  aka JIMMY on Nov 5, 2008

No matter who you voted for Democratic,Republican,Independent the Nation has spoken an its time for change . for this nation to get back on it's feet we all must come together as Americans. to quote Patrick Henry 1799 " "Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall!" if we cant unite as Americans OUR nation cant heal things will get much much worse. Not supporting our new president wont help our fellow Americans. so in the next weeks think about what our country needs no matter who the president is ask yourself if the country is divided an not united what will happen.

as history has shown when all Americans come together united we are the greatest force on the face of the planet. if its from supporting the troops to uniting all Americans after 9/11 helping strangers gave a sense of American pride.

as of right now the total is B.O 207 to J.M 95

its time for change we are the next generation an will be around for many years to come lets show the world we can join together again when our nation is in economic trouble just remember when you hear some dumb ass talking trash about who ever our new commander and chief is before you join in on the trash talking are you  doing this  cuz you  thought the other guy should have won  or are you doing it  due to the fact the guy who won Is black



Update Four years later 10/19/2012


Here we are 18 days from the election of the century have we listened to the warning I made Four years ago ? The answer No I said
we all must come together as Americans if we cant unite as Americans OUR nation cant heal things will get much much worse. This country is divided more then ever I'm not going to get into the politics of what happened to Ron Paul that will just drive me insane. As we stand right now things are in chaos The race for the president is tight We have the Gop attempting to suppress the vote in the state that might win the election battle ground Ohio.

The men an women of Ohio are fighting back hard under good leadership aided with the help of msnbc. The GOP has become so filled full of hate you makes me sick. We have a GOP house that it's only mission was to evict Obama the nation suffered I might not agree and be that much of a fan on some of the policies Obama passed Like ndda and hr.347 But I do respect the office of the president Unlike some members of the GOP But I wont point any finger.

Before 2008 I only voted for the Republican Party During that election year I voted for Obama With the hope of change Iv lost all faith in the system it's not about the left or the right its about the issues of this country We must come together as a nation yet both sides tear it apart all for the re-election. Over A billion dollars has been spent this election for a office that only pays 400k a year this is insane millions can't find work millions have no food yet the rich stroke checks to run negative ads But screw the poor.

 I sure we could find a better use of one billion dollars ! I do not want money just handed to me but we talk about cutting programs that help people Yet congressional benefits are out of control I'm a 30% disabled army vet who is unemployed living on 376 dollars a Month Is this how I wanna Live The answer is no it hurts my pride.

I cant work on cars any more Iv tried going back to school to learn a new skill I have learning issues I had since the 2nd grade with a school system that passed the buck I cant score high enough on tests to do anything I want to do in college I had to take the asvab 6 times to get into the army I was going to do my 20 How ever god had other plans I was injured. Sometime is think

The table has tilted, The game is rigged politicians are put here to give us the idea we have freedom of choice – we don’t. we have no choice. We have owners. They own us. They own everything The rich and powerful make the rules to help themselves The system forgot about us 40 years ago

Iv given my full Support to potus I Have faith with four more year we can turn this thing around both Potus and the Vp Know what it means to low income We need someone who cares about us the little poor people not some wall street fat cat who looks at me or a party an thinks I'm a parasite who wants to mooch off the system.

Well I take no hand out I have Some pride all I take is my 376 dollar disability.Iv never been to dc An I'm not sure I would want to after seeing whats going on our founding fathers would not be pleased.

I believe in the constitution,I love my country

to quote George Carlin

"It’s called the American Dream cause you have to be asleep to believe it."

This is what needs to happen with Humanity the world might be a better place! "The economics of the future is somewhat different. You see, money doesn't exist in the 24th century... The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of Humanity." Captain Jean-Luc Picard

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