Im really getting sick of seeing all this hate, members of the elected govt spew out Im really thinking about this

Friday, October 26, 2012

Screw Fox News They Will not cover This hate

How come fox has not covered how this election just took a turn into hate and  more racist  comments? why fox why , they only favor Romney that's why god forbid the great white hype gets shown in a bad light. these are people who support Romney a large group of them are racists. we know some in the right wing  of congress,radio and TV shows are racist they have been all over Obama before he took office.  The GOP blaming Obama for The slow recovery after 8 years of W is like John Wilkes Booth blaming Lincoln for missing the 2nd act of the play.
I thought this country made great leaps from all the hate that people died for back in the rights movement! It would appear this country has gone back to the hate
Sure when I was supporting Ron Paul I posted some photo's about policies I did not agree with and funny things But nothing that spewed hate.  so if your going to report the news Fox  report all the news. Romney supporters show a clear picture what they stand for from attacking,punching/kicking Ron Paul Supporters to now going back to the hate of racism. with all this hate I'm surprised the kkk has not endorsed Romney Now if i was fox news I could make a story that would knock your socks off and post it all over the Internet with the following images below But I'm not fox news's I'm a registered republican Even I can see the hate and what real people say behind closed doors.
I made a choice It was time to leave this party that has become very dark. Battleground Ohio will win this election their ground game is  very good along with all the people who are fighting to stop voter suppression  These people are not stupid they know the real Mitt Romney. I have faith in Ohio as a army veteran when Ron Paul was not the guy to take on Obama I had to take a side So I put all my eggs in the Obama basket Potus has the backs of veterans I got the back Of the president.
 I know what will happen to my benefits and America  if the republicans get the keys to the white house again and this is something America does not need right now. I know these voter will show up in droves on election day  to break 2008 numbers Potus Did not turn his back on America we can turn our back's on him so with 11 days  what side of history do you want to be on ?
we all know the stakes of this election! how will history remember this election? 
will it be Key swing states getting Obama's back or do the people turn their back on the man who started the path to recovery ? It is us  the people who write history so when you take to the polls ask your self this  before you punch that ballot
Do you want to go back or do you want to go forward ?
The choice is simple
 Is this the America you want to live in !


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