Im really getting sick of seeing all this hate, members of the elected govt spew out Im really thinking about this

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Our Home Front

seen this food banks can't keep up, poverty  placed a few issues in this topic

I don't want to run the world, the constitution does not give me the authority to run the world we should mind our own business is what we need to do" Ron Paul

We have a massive amount of problems here in America that are being ignored and have been ignored for years. My tax dollars are all over seas funding other countries and savages who have been killing each other since Jesus.

while we have millions Americans homeless with no food yet we ship billions in foreign aid, shipping millions and millions pounds of food to countries that hate us yet we tell Americans stand in line fill out these forms and we will get back to you in 30 days. If our issues were fixed and the govt wanted to save the world fine but our issues are not fixed we care more about other countries then our own these days and it makes me want to throw up.

our own govt throw us overboard 30 years ago they don't give a flip about us they only care about money and some interest's in foreign lands. These Fat cat's who have given almost a Billion dollars in ads to become president can't stroke some checks to places who help the poor across the u.s.a to help our fellow man.

No these fat cat's cant they will donate to get a tax write off, they will donate to get the puppet they want in office, they will donate to look like they care about poor people but in the real world the elite Could care less about poor.

some people have billions news flash you cant take it with you help your fellow man. Iv been poor all my life I know what it means to wonder how much food might be there to eat growing up. I know if I had millions or even a billion I would help people why You ask... It's the right thing to do Must be the Catholic in me I'm about helping others not out to screw others blinded by greed.

Now some rich people are cool Iv met a few who give allot I don't have a issue with wealth people earned. I take issue with people who have wealth that think they are above the poor, abuse the working poor with unfair wages and have a ego the size of the moon. I Hope not just for myself Helping other's so they can maybe return the favor and keep the chain of helping going

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