Im really getting sick of seeing all this hate, members of the elected govt spew out Im really thinking about this

Monday, October 22, 2012

The REVOLution Ron Paul started is only begun.

                        A repost from my face book I wrote in AUG



After 2012 Dr Paul is retiring when he leaves the political scene, I have no doubt Ron Paul has Left a lasting legacy in the political arena The champion that fought for the constitution and our rights will be gone from dc. A man who could not be bought, A man who followed the laws of the constitution A man who fought for our liberties. He Entergized voters getting 5,000 to 10,000 people to come watch him speak.

He's won over younger voters, in 2008 there really was no ron paul factor in 2012 his numbers almost had doubled since 2008 The Revolution had taken hold his message no longer fell on deaf ears. The main stream media avoided Him at events like it was the black death god forbid his message get out. We were stuck hearing about bit romney and his 500 suppoters while ron paul has 8,000 no media in sight as news members say ron paul is going no where.

Dr Paul wants to end these endless wars and bring our men home while others want to drag this on even longer Even with these accomplishments, and idea's the Republican party continues to treat Ron Paul like some Crazy old man who lives in the woods down by the river your mom wants you to stay away from.

The Rnc is over  up   Ron paul did not pull off a upset and get the gop nod to take on Obama The rnc played dirty and down right almost voter fraud.  This fight, this Revolution is not over by a long shot Its only Just starting the roots have taken hold we will reshape the gop.  Dr Ron Paul gets snubbed Kicked like a rusty can in some dark damp alley and is denied one last speech on center stage at the rnc Cuz he would not endorse and read a speech romney wrote  This man has earned the right to speak  being our champion of the constitution for almost 24 years. We have to meny rules,the table has tilted the game is rigged Ron paul deserves the right to be heard at the Rnc on the main stage not some side stage like some freak show.

We got to hear from rick santorum last time I checked he droped out Ron paul has yet to drop out but again the rnc wants people to talk that fit the mold god forbid Ron Pauls message ignites a fire within the delegates. the Gop has put all there eggs in the mitt romeny basket and not ron paul and snubbing Ron paul is very bad We will not buy into mitt romney I will not support him in anyway Its ron paul or bust id rather vote for micky mouse Without the ron paul voters romeny will lose to obama And if that happens so be it. I will not sell my soul and vote for someone I can not trust or support.

Ron Paul cares about The avg joe Not the upper 1% Yet change will not come , Yet ron paul gives me hope I can believe in our system again.Id like to thank my friend Miguel who after I voted for obama in 2008 opened my eyes Now im knee deep into politics Iv taken the time to educate myself in the REALITY of our problems to quote a friend "our problems not being a LEFT OR RIGHT issue... But rather about NATIONAL ISSUES... AN AMERICAN ISSUE... A CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUE"


This should not be about you being a dem or repub We all our Americans Cant we come join as one and heal our nation. Im sick of hearing we cant pass a bill or something cuz one side wants to block another  so they can get re-elected. we talk about cutting programs that make the old suffer the poor more poor. yet the men in power never take a pay cut... Have Premium Health care where as I have none, where members of congress have outragous retirment, where most have none The list goes on Yet we the people suffer while people in dc take no hit an this is not labled Welfare PAID FOR BY THE TAX PAYER , come back to reality lets see some of these people take a cut here an a cut there you know what would happen ill tell you Members of congress would be pissed offf g just like the american people are. Id also like to thank Ron Paul for being our champion You should get more respect for 24 years you have done your job in dc.


You might not become president but inside the hearts of those who believe in your message your President Ron Paul Sir we respect you for the work you have done And WE LOVE YOU RON AND WE WILL KEEP ON ROCKING THE REVOLUTION



Thank you !

James Woomer III

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