Im really getting sick of seeing all this hate, members of the elected govt spew out Im really thinking about this

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Get the word out election day is near

Obama Administration's accomplishments:
1. The first bill President Obama signed was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, to help women fight back when they don't get equal pay for equal work.

2. His Recovery Act supported millions of jobs and helped to stave off a second Great Depression.

3. He pushed for and won middle-class tax cuts that benefitted every American worker, and saved the typical family $3,600 in taxes over the last four years.

4. President Obama rescued the auto industry, and now GM and Chrysler are healthier than they've ever been. The American auto industry has added nearly a quarter of a million jobs since June 2009 -- and they most likely wouldn't exist right now without President Obama's leadership.

5. He doubled funding for Pell Grants, helping to make college more affordable for nearly 10 million families.

6. His student loan reform ended billions in subsidies to banks serving as middlemen and reinvested those savings directly into students.

7. The President established the American Opportunity Tax Credit, worth up to $10,000 over four years of college.

8. His Race to the Top Initiative helped spur nearly every state to raise academic standards.

9. His tax cuts, social-welfare programs, and economic policies lifted nearly 7 million Americans above the federal poverty line in 2010.

10. President Obama has signed 18 tax cuts for small businesses since taking office.

11. We've seen 5.2 million new private-sector jobs over the last 31 months.

12. The unemployment rate is at the lowest level since President Obama took office.

13. Health care reform -- passed after decades of failed attempts by every previous President -- provides affordable health coverage to every American and will lower premiums by an average of $2,000 per family by 2019.

14. Obamacare expanded access to lifesaving preventive care such as cancer screenings and immunizations with no out-of-pocket costs for 54 million Americans.

15. Obamacare ends insurance discrimination against the 129 million Americans with pre-existing conditions.

16. Because of Obamacare, over 3 million more young adults have health insurance today than would if the new law hadn't passed.

17. The parents of over 17 million children with pre-existing conditions no longer have to worry that their children will be denied coverage.

18. President Obama has ordered the overhaul of federal government regulations to make them smarter, practical, and more efficient. Just a fraction of these commonsense initiatives will help save businesses $10 billion in the next five years alone.

19. His historic investments in clean energy have helped more than double the amount of electricity we obtain from wind and solar sources and helped increase biofuel production to its highest level in history.

20. President Obama is doubling fuel efficiency standards, which will save drivers more than $8,000 at the gas pump, not to mention lessen the impact of automobiles on our environment.

21. President Obama has taken unprecedented action to address climate change, reaching historic international agreements to curb carbon emissions, and taking action here at home to reduce carbon pollution from our vehicles and promote clean energy production.

22. He has taken historic action to protect our environment -- signing one of the largest expansions of protected wilderness in a generation and putting in place standards to reduce toxic air pollution that will save thousands of lives.

23. President Obama fought for and won landmark Wall Street reform that reins in the abuses that led to the financial crisis and ends the era of taxpayer bailouts and "too big to fail."

24. Wall Street reform created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the nation's first federal agency focused solely on consumer financial protection -- and the Bureau is already protecting families from unfair and abusive financial practices from Wall Street banks and shadowy corners of the financial industry.

25. As part of President Obama's commitment to transparency, the White House has posted its visitor records online for the first time ever.

26. President Obama's all-of-the-above approach to energy has helped cut the United States' dependence on foreign oil to its lowest level in 20 years.

27. President Obama responsibly ended the war in Iraq.

28. He announced a plan to end the war in Afghanistan and transition security responsibility to the Afghan people.

29. President Obama sent the largest security assistance package to Israel in history and funded the Iron Dome system, which is protecting Israeli homes and schools from rocket attacks.

30. President Obama rallied the international community to implement the toughest sanctions on Iran in history.

31. Through the President's historic increases in Veterans Affairs funding, he has expanded and improved healthcare and job training access for our returning veterans.

32. President Obama negotiated the New START Treaty with Russia to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in both countries. At the same time, he also secured commitments from dozens of other countries to lock down nuclear materials.

33. His administration naturalized 11,146 military service members as U.S. citizens in 2010; more than in any year since 1955.

34. President Obama set a bold new plan for the future of NASA space exploration, using the skill and ability of the private sector for short trips to the International Space Station, while building a new vehicle for exploration of distant space, and doing everything in his power to support the economy on Florida's Space Coast.

35. President Obama recognizes that tourism is one of America's largest economic engines; he's worked to encourage international visitors to come here, maintaining our security while keeping millions of Americans in good, paying jobs.

36. He has affirmed his personal support of marriage equality, directed the Justice Department to stop defending DOMA in federal courts, and took the practical and compassionate step of extending hospital visitation rights to same-sex partners.

37. He fought for and won the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, allowing gay and lesbian members of the military to serve openly for the first time in history.

38. When Congress failed to fix our broken immigration system, his administration did everything in its power to improve it, streamlining the legal immigration process and announcing a policy that lifts the shadow of deportation from hard working young immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.

39. Oh, and he gave the order to send troops in after Osama Bin Laden -- and has decimated al-Qaeda's senior leadership.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

back from voting, Well today just proved alot of  romney supporters are strait up racists, heard alot of people making racist comments, some old lady got in my face when i was talking to a person behind me, cuz im supporting obama I said Look lady I still have freedom of speech in this contry I earned the right  to vote for who ever I damn choose to Im more informed with whats really going on in this election then you are.  im not the one being racist.when romney cuts your medicare good luck with that you want it you got it.  Im shocked to see how meny racist people are in brevard county Fla.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Screw Fox News They Will not cover This hate

How come fox has not covered how this election just took a turn into hate and  more racist  comments? why fox why , they only favor Romney that's why god forbid the great white hype gets shown in a bad light. these are people who support Romney a large group of them are racists. we know some in the right wing  of congress,radio and TV shows are racist they have been all over Obama before he took office.  The GOP blaming Obama for The slow recovery after 8 years of W is like John Wilkes Booth blaming Lincoln for missing the 2nd act of the play.
I thought this country made great leaps from all the hate that people died for back in the rights movement! It would appear this country has gone back to the hate
Sure when I was supporting Ron Paul I posted some photo's about policies I did not agree with and funny things But nothing that spewed hate.  so if your going to report the news Fox  report all the news. Romney supporters show a clear picture what they stand for from attacking,punching/kicking Ron Paul Supporters to now going back to the hate of racism. with all this hate I'm surprised the kkk has not endorsed Romney Now if i was fox news I could make a story that would knock your socks off and post it all over the Internet with the following images below But I'm not fox news's I'm a registered republican Even I can see the hate and what real people say behind closed doors.
I made a choice It was time to leave this party that has become very dark. Battleground Ohio will win this election their ground game is  very good along with all the people who are fighting to stop voter suppression  These people are not stupid they know the real Mitt Romney. I have faith in Ohio as a army veteran when Ron Paul was not the guy to take on Obama I had to take a side So I put all my eggs in the Obama basket Potus has the backs of veterans I got the back Of the president.
 I know what will happen to my benefits and America  if the republicans get the keys to the white house again and this is something America does not need right now. I know these voter will show up in droves on election day  to break 2008 numbers Potus Did not turn his back on America we can turn our back's on him so with 11 days  what side of history do you want to be on ?
we all know the stakes of this election! how will history remember this election? 
will it be Key swing states getting Obama's back or do the people turn their back on the man who started the path to recovery ? It is us  the people who write history so when you take to the polls ask your self this  before you punch that ballot
Do you want to go back or do you want to go forward ?
The choice is simple
 Is this the America you want to live in !


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Good Bye republican Party

Early Voting  starts saturday Im proud to say Im kissing The gop goodbye, Iv been registered republican since I was 18. After the way Ron Paul and supporters where treated How the insane  Neo Cons have taken over the party.   Im voting Potus and the rest of the D's on the ticket  Regurdless who it is. To Romeny  Vets only matter for a punch-line or a photo op after nov 7th the republican party will be in complete civil war.  You have the old  republican's fighting to regain control of the party while the tea party fight the neo cons and the old  republican's  Good Bye republican  Party

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

my response Trump's big news on Obama plus another issue

Our Home Front

seen this food banks can't keep up, poverty  placed a few issues in this topic

I don't want to run the world, the constitution does not give me the authority to run the world we should mind our own business is what we need to do" Ron Paul

We have a massive amount of problems here in America that are being ignored and have been ignored for years. My tax dollars are all over seas funding other countries and savages who have been killing each other since Jesus.

while we have millions Americans homeless with no food yet we ship billions in foreign aid, shipping millions and millions pounds of food to countries that hate us yet we tell Americans stand in line fill out these forms and we will get back to you in 30 days. If our issues were fixed and the govt wanted to save the world fine but our issues are not fixed we care more about other countries then our own these days and it makes me want to throw up.

our own govt throw us overboard 30 years ago they don't give a flip about us they only care about money and some interest's in foreign lands. These Fat cat's who have given almost a Billion dollars in ads to become president can't stroke some checks to places who help the poor across the u.s.a to help our fellow man.

No these fat cat's cant they will donate to get a tax write off, they will donate to get the puppet they want in office, they will donate to look like they care about poor people but in the real world the elite Could care less about poor.

some people have billions news flash you cant take it with you help your fellow man. Iv been poor all my life I know what it means to wonder how much food might be there to eat growing up. I know if I had millions or even a billion I would help people why You ask... It's the right thing to do Must be the Catholic in me I'm about helping others not out to screw others blinded by greed.

Now some rich people are cool Iv met a few who give allot I don't have a issue with wealth people earned. I take issue with people who have wealth that think they are above the poor, abuse the working poor with unfair wages and have a ego the size of the moon. I Hope not just for myself Helping other's so they can maybe return the favor and keep the chain of helping going

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

just some of the Issues, and how I stand Unlike Romeny I wont flip flop

If I run for some kinda office These core issues will not change
these issues matter

1. Abortion-  I Believe It is the Right Of a women to choose

2. Gay Issues-  supports  legislation that legalizes gay marriage

3. Internet- Internet should be free from government regulation and taxation, and is opposed to Internet gambling restrictions

4. PATRIOT Act- I do not support the Patriot Act And Do not support  federal use of  torture.

5. Eminent Domain- I opposes  Eminent Domain We need to stop special interests from violating property rights and literally driving families from their homes, farms and ranches

6.  Stem-cell research- I  support  Stem-cell research

7. Marijuana supports legislation that legalizes Marijuana. I do not use it but support it

8. Foreign policy- We are not the worlds police force  the United States should avoid entangling alliances with other nations, but still retain diplomacy, and avoid all wars not related to direct territorial self-defense

9. congressional pay- supports legislation that would cut congressional pay/benefits.

republicans in Congress

republicans in Congress have the lowest rating in us History a Caveman has a higher approval Rating. with number like this maybe I should run for office I could not do any worse then the monkeys we have running this country. Have they done anything in four years beside collect a paycheck an take vacations on my tax dollars

Yes I wrote this The new REPUBLICAN PARTY


of the United Mitt Romney Empire , in Order to form a more corrupt Union, Establish Election fraud , insure domestic corruption, provide tax breaks for the upper 1%, promote corporate slavery, and secure the ownership of The american People, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United Mitt Romney Empire .

The Awakening of a Generation:

We might have lost the battle but we will win the  war

A touching Ad

Dr Ron Paul is a great Man

We Still Love you Ron R3VOLUTION will still go on

Even Tho The Gop Hijacked the nomination, Meny Ron Paul supporters had to choose I chose to endorse Obama. We must protect Veterans Benefit Obama has our Back So I have his


American vets swear to updold,defend the constitution well we learned the hard way The real enemy's of the constitution are not to be found in some far off land They are right here in america within congress. Our foundin fathers are rolling over in thier graves

founding fathers

When do we take Back our country and our right's

the fight for 2016 Starts Now

we must get Jesse On the Ballot on all 50 states

Bill HR 645 Fema Camps

What is in Bill HR 645? a network of FEMA camps to be used to house U.S. citizens in the event of a national emergency. That sounds ok in the event of a national emergency. Now heres the dangerous part The bill also states that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security,” a green light which many fear could mean the forced detention .. of American citizens in the event of widespread rioting after a national emergency or total economic collapse. These camps can be seen on You Tube, just enter FEMA Camps or Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory Fema Camps.. An act that gives the government the authority to lock up American citizens without being charged, without a trial and without a jury indefinitely! What are our leaders planning? Sorry when all hell breaks loose You ant taking me to some fema camp against my will this ant no Conspiracy Theory.
in a leaked army document   supporting ron paul or for what might be posted on facebook  I can be placed on a terrorist watch list or I could already be on one. Do I look like a terrorist No I am not I just give a fuck about my country and our right's. The govt wastes money looking into people like me and other's but not the real threats. The  messed up part is meny voted yes for this bill and never read what was in it and admited it, these clowns are who people elect we pay way to much for their  service lack there of  they don't do their jobs


I wrote this from the heart James P Woomer  aka JIMMY on Nov 5, 2008

No matter who you voted for Democratic,Republican,Independent the Nation has spoken an its time for change . for this nation to get back on it's feet we all must come together as Americans. to quote Patrick Henry 1799 " "Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall!" if we cant unite as Americans OUR nation cant heal things will get much much worse. Not supporting our new president wont help our fellow Americans. so in the next weeks think about what our country needs no matter who the president is ask yourself if the country is divided an not united what will happen.

as history has shown when all Americans come together united we are the greatest force on the face of the planet. if its from supporting the troops to uniting all Americans after 9/11 helping strangers gave a sense of American pride.

as of right now the total is B.O 207 to J.M 95

its time for change we are the next generation an will be around for many years to come lets show the world we can join together again when our nation is in economic trouble just remember when you hear some dumb ass talking trash about who ever our new commander and chief is before you join in on the trash talking are you  doing this  cuz you  thought the other guy should have won  or are you doing it  due to the fact the guy who won Is black



Update Four years later 10/19/2012


Here we are 18 days from the election of the century have we listened to the warning I made Four years ago ? The answer No I said
we all must come together as Americans if we cant unite as Americans OUR nation cant heal things will get much much worse. This country is divided more then ever I'm not going to get into the politics of what happened to Ron Paul that will just drive me insane. As we stand right now things are in chaos The race for the president is tight We have the Gop attempting to suppress the vote in the state that might win the election battle ground Ohio.

The men an women of Ohio are fighting back hard under good leadership aided with the help of msnbc. The GOP has become so filled full of hate you makes me sick. We have a GOP house that it's only mission was to evict Obama the nation suffered I might not agree and be that much of a fan on some of the policies Obama passed Like ndda and hr.347 But I do respect the office of the president Unlike some members of the GOP But I wont point any finger.

Before 2008 I only voted for the Republican Party During that election year I voted for Obama With the hope of change Iv lost all faith in the system it's not about the left or the right its about the issues of this country We must come together as a nation yet both sides tear it apart all for the re-election. Over A billion dollars has been spent this election for a office that only pays 400k a year this is insane millions can't find work millions have no food yet the rich stroke checks to run negative ads But screw the poor.

 I sure we could find a better use of one billion dollars ! I do not want money just handed to me but we talk about cutting programs that help people Yet congressional benefits are out of control I'm a 30% disabled army vet who is unemployed living on 376 dollars a Month Is this how I wanna Live The answer is no it hurts my pride.

I cant work on cars any more Iv tried going back to school to learn a new skill I have learning issues I had since the 2nd grade with a school system that passed the buck I cant score high enough on tests to do anything I want to do in college I had to take the asvab 6 times to get into the army I was going to do my 20 How ever god had other plans I was injured. Sometime is think

The table has tilted, The game is rigged politicians are put here to give us the idea we have freedom of choice – we don’t. we have no choice. We have owners. They own us. They own everything The rich and powerful make the rules to help themselves The system forgot about us 40 years ago

Iv given my full Support to potus I Have faith with four more year we can turn this thing around both Potus and the Vp Know what it means to low income We need someone who cares about us the little poor people not some wall street fat cat who looks at me or a party an thinks I'm a parasite who wants to mooch off the system.

Well I take no hand out I have Some pride all I take is my 376 dollar disability.Iv never been to dc An I'm not sure I would want to after seeing whats going on our founding fathers would not be pleased.

I believe in the constitution,I love my country

to quote George Carlin

"It’s called the American Dream cause you have to be asleep to believe it."

This is what needs to happen with Humanity the world might be a better place! "The economics of the future is somewhat different. You see, money doesn't exist in the 24th century... The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of Humanity." Captain Jean-Luc Picard

This is what needs to happen with Humanity

, the world might be a better place! "The economics of the future is somewhat different. You see, money doesn't exist in the 24th century... The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of Humanity." Captain Jean-Luc Picard

So true

I drive a beat up truck,

Monday, October 22, 2012

My joke gets retweet by @TheRealRoseanne

Mitt Romney as President is Like giving Forest Gump The nuclear launch codes

(@TheRealRoseanne) favorited one of your Tweets!

this man lie every time he opens his mouth, just cuz im poor does not mean a man with 300 million is better then me

Thanks to the TheRealRoseanne for the retweet an favorited

The REVOLution Ron Paul started is only begun.

                        A repost from my face book I wrote in AUG



After 2012 Dr Paul is retiring when he leaves the political scene, I have no doubt Ron Paul has Left a lasting legacy in the political arena The champion that fought for the constitution and our rights will be gone from dc. A man who could not be bought, A man who followed the laws of the constitution A man who fought for our liberties. He Entergized voters getting 5,000 to 10,000 people to come watch him speak.

He's won over younger voters, in 2008 there really was no ron paul factor in 2012 his numbers almost had doubled since 2008 The Revolution had taken hold his message no longer fell on deaf ears. The main stream media avoided Him at events like it was the black death god forbid his message get out. We were stuck hearing about bit romney and his 500 suppoters while ron paul has 8,000 no media in sight as news members say ron paul is going no where.

Dr Paul wants to end these endless wars and bring our men home while others want to drag this on even longer Even with these accomplishments, and idea's the Republican party continues to treat Ron Paul like some Crazy old man who lives in the woods down by the river your mom wants you to stay away from.

The Rnc is over  up   Ron paul did not pull off a upset and get the gop nod to take on Obama The rnc played dirty and down right almost voter fraud.  This fight, this Revolution is not over by a long shot Its only Just starting the roots have taken hold we will reshape the gop.  Dr Ron Paul gets snubbed Kicked like a rusty can in some dark damp alley and is denied one last speech on center stage at the rnc Cuz he would not endorse and read a speech romney wrote  This man has earned the right to speak  being our champion of the constitution for almost 24 years. We have to meny rules,the table has tilted the game is rigged Ron paul deserves the right to be heard at the Rnc on the main stage not some side stage like some freak show.

We got to hear from rick santorum last time I checked he droped out Ron paul has yet to drop out but again the rnc wants people to talk that fit the mold god forbid Ron Pauls message ignites a fire within the delegates. the Gop has put all there eggs in the mitt romeny basket and not ron paul and snubbing Ron paul is very bad We will not buy into mitt romney I will not support him in anyway Its ron paul or bust id rather vote for micky mouse Without the ron paul voters romeny will lose to obama And if that happens so be it. I will not sell my soul and vote for someone I can not trust or support.

Ron Paul cares about The avg joe Not the upper 1% Yet change will not come , Yet ron paul gives me hope I can believe in our system again.Id like to thank my friend Miguel who after I voted for obama in 2008 opened my eyes Now im knee deep into politics Iv taken the time to educate myself in the REALITY of our problems to quote a friend "our problems not being a LEFT OR RIGHT issue... But rather about NATIONAL ISSUES... AN AMERICAN ISSUE... A CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUE"


This should not be about you being a dem or repub We all our Americans Cant we come join as one and heal our nation. Im sick of hearing we cant pass a bill or something cuz one side wants to block another  so they can get re-elected. we talk about cutting programs that make the old suffer the poor more poor. yet the men in power never take a pay cut... Have Premium Health care where as I have none, where members of congress have outragous retirment, where most have none The list goes on Yet we the people suffer while people in dc take no hit an this is not labled Welfare PAID FOR BY THE TAX PAYER , come back to reality lets see some of these people take a cut here an a cut there you know what would happen ill tell you Members of congress would be pissed offf g just like the american people are. Id also like to thank Ron Paul for being our champion You should get more respect for 24 years you have done your job in dc.


You might not become president but inside the hearts of those who believe in your message your President Ron Paul Sir we respect you for the work you have done And WE LOVE YOU RON AND WE WILL KEEP ON ROCKING THE REVOLUTION



Thank you !

James Woomer III

Friday, October 19, 2012

A Moment in debate History

Hilarious! romney is so stupid he walks right into the burning building lol 


My prediction 2012

Going the Distance II

A video I made For Potus

Good to see a man in the media with a set of balls

good to see someone in the media with a set of balls!!  Lawrence calling out Tagg Romney  for wanting to swing on Potus. Lawrence says you wanna swing on potus swing on me any time Brovo at the 8min 15 sec mark 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

running for senate 2019 project

                                 What Does everyone think should we approve this message

The REVOLUTION Ron Paul started is only begun...

The Plan... I talk Politics all day everyday, Can't help fix my country sitting on my Butt posting on facebook.

1. get back to school for a degree
2. start working on a political platform
3. Work on my debate skill
4. Gather Funding
5. Get my Name on the 2019 ballot

6. Keep this blog Updated

America Needs Chuck Norris

We need to send Chuck Norris to congress and deal with the 40 who blocked the Veterans bill.
Chuck Norris should run for office to Clean up dc, put them Chuck Norris facts to good use. chuck norris for  senate this message is
I hope so

Rachel Maddow calling out the republican ring leaders killing the vetrans job bill

Way to call these People  out Rachel Maddow  , members of the gop who helped write the vets job bill so it would get passed in the senate turned their backs on u.s vetrans Voted no and blocked the bill to make the president look bad. another reason why these p.o.s need to be shipped off asap to fight this war maybe then they will understand. IF YOU CARE ABOUT VETS SHARE THIS VIDEO A MUST WATCH

what I think about the 47% mr romney

Meet the 40 Senate Republican Who Betrayed Veterans By Killing vetrans Job bill

Meet These Award Winner's That Just Gave Veterans The Middle Finger. It's Time These People Get Out Of Office And Lose Thier Job's

Between Mitt Romney’s secret videotape and today’s Republican Senate vote, it is clear where the Republican Party stands. I guess our returning veterans are also part of the deadbeat 47%
If this is what Republicans consider patriotism, I don’t want to be their kind of patriot. Our veterans deserve better, and our nation’s deserves better leadership than this. I feel like throwing up.
We are ok with funding savages in the middle east Yet congress cant find away to help vet's. Screw the middle east we are not the damn police force of the world let them fight for it these people have been killing each other since jesus. the following made the wall of shame

Rachel Maddow calling out the republican ring leaders killing the vetrans job bill

                                        All 40 listed below

Way to call these People out Rachel Maddow , members of the gop who helped write the vets job bill so it would get passed in the senate turned their backs on u.s vetrans Voted no and blocked the bill to make the president look bad. another reason why these p.o.s need to be shipped off asap to fight this war maybe then they will understand.  Whats messed up is McCain IS A VETERAN AND HE VOTED NO. HE HAS BEEN IN D.C TO LONG. IF YOU CARE ABOUT VETS SHARE THIS VIDEO A MUST WATCH

Alexander (R-TN)
Ayotte (R-NH)
Barrasso (R-WY)
Blunt (R-MO)
Boozman (R-AR)
Burr (R-NC)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coats (R-IN)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Enzi (R-WY)
Graham (R-SC)
Grassley (R-IA)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hoeven (R-ND)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johanns (R-NE)
Johnson (R-WI)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Lee (R-UT)
Lugar (R-IN)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Moran (R-KS)
Rand Paul (R-KY)
Portman (R-OH)
Risch (R-ID)
Roberts (R-KS)
Rubio (R-FL)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Thune (R-SD)
Toomey (R-PA)
Vitter (R-LA)
Wicker (R-MS)

Mark Kirk and James Inhofe did not vote.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Jump Ship

If I was in a life raft surrounded by sharks with Mitt Romney,Paul Ryan, Rick Santorum,John Boehner and the rescue ship was 30 mins away I would jump in the water and take my chances with the sharks. Its a messed up Situation Id rather be ate by a shark then get fucked by the Republican Party

The GoP

When is the gop going to vote and start shipping all of us ron paul supporters  away to some death camp since we are such a bother to them. The gop is starting to look like 1933 germany. all that is missing is a police force kicking in our doors locking us away. the gop are turning into Communist or nazis they can deside which

Sunday, August 26, 2012

One Great Speech

My heart rate has returned to normal It was a great rally,great speeches, A great event Thank you Ron Pual for making sure those of us that could not make it got to hear your words In your final speech You sir Serverd your country during vietnam, you served your country with honor while in office. The R3VOLUTION will go on and we will make you proud and spread the word of liberty and freedom. Again thank you We will remember your words But we will never forget The man who made it his life to fight for what he believes is right. We Love you Ron

Its always been about the message