Im really getting sick of seeing all this hate, members of the elected govt spew out Im really thinking about this

Monday, August 27, 2012

Jump Ship

If I was in a life raft surrounded by sharks with Mitt Romney,Paul Ryan, Rick Santorum,John Boehner and the rescue ship was 30 mins away I would jump in the water and take my chances with the sharks. Its a messed up Situation Id rather be ate by a shark then get fucked by the Republican Party

The GoP

When is the gop going to vote and start shipping all of us ron paul supporters  away to some death camp since we are such a bother to them. The gop is starting to look like 1933 germany. all that is missing is a police force kicking in our doors locking us away. the gop are turning into Communist or nazis they can deside which

Sunday, August 26, 2012

One Great Speech

My heart rate has returned to normal It was a great rally,great speeches, A great event Thank you Ron Pual for making sure those of us that could not make it got to hear your words In your final speech You sir Serverd your country during vietnam, you served your country with honor while in office. The R3VOLUTION will go on and we will make you proud and spread the word of liberty and freedom. Again thank you We will remember your words But we will never forget The man who made it his life to fight for what he believes is right. We Love you Ron

Its always been about the message